Callisto from Eclipse
The past week, there was a NEJUG on Eclipse. Wayne Beaton, Eclipse evangelist, talked about a very exciting project that is going to be released end of June: Callisto. Callisto is basically a simultaneous release of the top ten Eclipse projects. This is going to be of great help especially for us since we make use of WTP + EMF+ GEF + GMF and up until recently, installation of all these Eclipse projects on top of the Eclipse framework has not been really trivial. We faced a lot of problems especially with WTP when creating web services with web services wizard. (The worst thing we never knew what went wrong- usually restarting Eclipse solved the problem.) One thing I constantly noticed in Eclipse's Errors view is the errors coming from emf or gef plug-ins. With the Callisto install, everything will come in a bundle and hopefully all these dependency issues will be resolved.
You can also contribute to Callisto project by hunting bugs:
Every great bug gets an Eclipse Callist t-shirt!:)
This is useful info! Thx.
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