BPEL Process Manager
A few main points I figured out about Oracle BPEL Process Manager(, after making many mistakes myself: ...
--Try not to waste time trying to Integrate oid with bpel locally. Do so on mid-tier.
--Installing BPEL on mid-tier - is not a joke. Confirm about any changes required in the scripts (.sql) before running irca.sh.
--Patches: (#4406640, #4496111): When we applied the required patches for Oracle BPEL Process Manager, we no longer saw the "default" domain on BPEL Console. Therefore, we rolled back these patches.
--Missing steps in the installation instructions:- were not able to access the
console. It gave the following error:
Cannot find instances.
An attempt to fetch the instances using the where condition " ( ci_state
= 1 OR ci_state = 2 OR ci_state = 3 ) order by ci_modify_date desc "
from the datastore has failed. The exception reported is: ORA-00942:
table or view does not exist
Please check that the machine hosting the datasource is physically
connected to the network. Otherwise, check that the datasource
connection parameters (user/password) is currently valid.
sql statement: Select * from ( select a.*, ROWNUM rnum From ( SELECT *
FROM admin_list_ci WHERE ci_domain_ref = 0 AND ( ci_state = 1 OR
ci_state = 2 OR ci_state = 3 ) order by ci_modify_date desc ) a
Where ROWNUM <= 20 ) Where rnum >= 0
After running the irca script, some views still do not exist - hence I was unable to access the console.
The solution is to modify the following file : IRCA\integration\bpelpm\admin\sql\bpmuser.sql
OLD LINE: grant connect, resource to &bpm_user;
NEW LINE: grant connect, resource,
Since I was doing the install on my local m/c,
After you make the above change, re-run the irca.bat script.
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