Thursday, April 20, 2006


I used facades so that I could pass many values/var to the JSP from the BPEL process.
Example – passed instanceId to be displayed on the jsp…

1. Create an xsd consisting all the variables that are required from the BPEL process.

2. Include the xsd in the bpel project and the bpel process (source).

3. Used the schemac compiler utility in order to generate the XML facades.
>schemac –trace –d ./BPEL-INF/classes bpelprocess.wsdl
Note: The classes created will be stored under BPELProj>BPEL-INF>facadeSchema>…

4. Jar these files as follows:
...BPEL-INF/classes>jar cvf facade.jar abc/def/ghi/*.class

Place teh jar file under the WEB-INF/lib folder (the ui).

5. Created a global variable – facadeVar of Element type (of type created in xsd).

6. Example – within the user task, include an assign to copy the bpel variables into the façade.

This way many more bpel variables etc may be assigned to the façade.
Then copy this façade to the task attachment (that is of element type itself):

These variables can be accessed (example in a jsp) - using createFacade...
(to be cont.)...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Callisto from Eclipse

The past week, there was a NEJUG on Eclipse. Wayne Beaton, Eclipse evangelist, talked about a very exciting project that is going to be released end of June: Callisto. Callisto is basically a simultaneous release of the top ten Eclipse projects. This is going to be of great help especially for us since we make use of WTP + EMF+ GEF + GMF and up until recently, installation of all these Eclipse projects on top of the Eclipse framework has not been really trivial. We faced a lot of problems especially with WTP when creating web services with web services wizard. (The worst thing we never knew what went wrong- usually restarting Eclipse solved the problem.) One thing I constantly noticed in Eclipse's Errors view is the errors coming from emf or gef plug-ins. With the Callisto install, everything will come in a bundle and hopefully all these dependency issues will be resolved.
You can also contribute to Callisto project by hunting bugs:

Every great bug gets an Eclipse Callist t-shirt!:)

Eclipse - exporting to Ant buildfile

I discovered yet another useful feature of Eclipse- exporting your project to Ant file. It works just as other export options (Right click project name >> Export >> Ant Buildfile). Eclipse will create build.xml and build-user.xml. Build.xml will come with basic ant targets such as clean, compile. All you need to do is add your "custom" targets into build-user.xml and you're all set to use build.xml. Really useful feature that reduces the creation of build scripts. Thanks to Eclipse!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Had issues setting up OID with BPEL in version. This feature (of oid integration during the install) was not there in ... had to do so by configuring files. Never got there...never worked.
In, the last step in PM install used to fail. That was the step for OID integration. DTD’s from had to be copied on the machine and changes had to be made to a few files pointing to those DTD’s.Copy the following three DTDs from to someplace reachable:
- jazn-9_04.dtd
- jazn-data-9_04.dtd
- orion-application-9_04.dtd

Tried giving the proxy settings but that didn’t seem to work.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Oracle BPEL Eclipse plug-in

One of the pitfalls of using Eclipse is that it is as good as the quality of the plug-ins you use. Lately, we've been having frequent problems with Oracle BPEL Designer for Eclipse. After the BPEL process got significantly large, the design view of the BPEL document gives "Out of Memory" Error. We tried increasing the jvm settings of Eclipse, but no help. Still struggling with this problem...